Restart Smart Program

We are pleased to partner with Restart Smart Australia to deliver the Restart Smart Program.

Restart Smart provides a personalised solution that meets the unique needs of each participant. With a strong focus on creating measurable and sustainable change, Restart Smart offers a “second chance” learning environment to support the distinct challenges and preferences of individuals.

The Restart Smart Program includes:

Roadmap Service

Following a one-on-one meeting with one of our trained business loss facilitators, we create a personalised roadmap that includes a business journey summary, actions, recommendations, connections, links and introductions.

Restart Smart program. Topics include:

  • Descent – What really went wrong?

  • The Aftermath – the financial, emotional and social liabilities of the business failure

  • Sensemaking – Learning from failure

  • Roadmap to recovery - Employment perspectives, resilience and hybrid entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship

  • Business ethics

The program also includes access to additional recovery resources and webinars.